Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

My 3-Part Framework to 10x-ing Your Audience

My 3-Part Framework to 10x-ing Your Audience

Whenever I talk about lead generation (a.k.a. strategies for attracting traffic, and magnetizing thousands of perfect potential clients and customers to your community), I talk about one very special acronym:


These letters stand for the 3 steps of lead generation that can bring thousands of new fans, reader, and followers into your world, and turn them into buyers — creating brand leverage no one can compete with:

Those 3 letters are: Organic, Paid, and Partner traffic.

However, before you get into that, I want to be clear what I mean when I say “lead generation”…

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I’m A Marketing Skeptic. Are You?

I’m A Marketing Skeptic. Are You?

I’ll come right out and say it: There are a LOT of myths and lies making the rounds in this marketing world of ours.

Lies around how you should show up. Around what you should say, when, and to who. Around “top secret” strategies and tech and processes that simply don’t work anymore.

So… why are all these lies and myths being beamed out from every corner of the interwebs?

Because frankly, the industry’s changing and changing fast… faster than most people can keep up.

It’s not just algorithms shifting, either. We live in an over-consuming society that’s so inundated with marketing materials, people have tuned out. We’ve drank so much Kool-Aid we’re over caffeinated, and in a sugar coma.

This is particularly tricky for marketers, because it means as soon as a strategy works, and fellow marketers catch on, that strategy stops working just as fast.

However, don’t worry my friends. Because this isn’t the end. Instead — it’s a rise.

More specifically: The rise of the skeptic.

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The Hard Truth About Sales And Ego

The Hard Truth About Sales And Ego

See, most people who set out to change lives with their businesses, or serve the planet, don’t enjoy the process of selling. It feels gross, pushy, and just not “like us”. At least not at first.

(And frankly, that’s a good sign. It proves you’re in business for reasons beyond cold, hard cash.)

However, no matter how much you hate selling, or how icky it makes you feel… you don’t really have a choice. As business owners, we do the things that we need to do to get our message out there, make it matter, and monetize it — and in the case of every business on earth, that means making sales.

So… how did I get over my distaste for sales? And how can you?

By recognizing where this dislike of sales comes from… and reframing it.

Let me be clear about something: Overall, fear of sales comes from ego. Fear of sales comes from thinking this is all about you. Fear of sales comes from worrying about what others think, or that your stuff is not worth anyone’s time or hard-earned money.

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Are You Repelling Enough People?

Are You Repelling Enough People?

I talked a bit in my last post about the importance of showing up and being seen, and stepping into your spotlight as an entrepreneur. But you know what’s just as important (and just as uncomfortable) as showing up for your right people? Repelling your wrong people. I know, I know. Everyone wants to be […]

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Is Content Still King?

Is Content Still King?

Is content still king really?

We’ve all heard the saying “content is king”.

It’s a marketing adage as old as time, which leads many entrepreneurs to wonder: Is it still true?

After all, it can feel like blogging is a shout into the void these days…

Or, as you stream on Facebook Live to an audience of 1 or 0 people, it can feel as if you’re not doing much to build your business and brand.

But I’m here to tell you, the answer to that question is…

Absolutely yes. Content is still king, now more than ever.

I say that because despite what it feels like? All that content static you’re seeing is a good thing.

In this age of serious excess digital noise, readers, customers, and raving-fans-in-waiting are trying to wade through the racket of countless blog posts, emails, free offers, and programs, and find people who are giving value to them.

That means if you’re sharing value consistently? They’re going to find you.

The way to get found is to really come from a place of your brand personality and understanding your audience along the way.

Here’s the hard part though: That doesn’t happen overnight. You have to show up.

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What Matters More? Aesthetics Or Impact?

What Matters More? Aesthetics Or Impact?

One question I get asked a ton at events, VIP sessions, and livestreams is:

I want to build a website… but I don’t have the time or resources to hire a designer. Should I wait?

For many entrepreneurs, a website feels like a calling card; the first ever representation of YOU.

That can feel a little scary, and of course you want to put your best foot forward.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret:

If your messaging is right on your website? It doesn’t really matter what it looks like.

At least not at first.

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