Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

Are You Brave Enough To See Your Business Honestly?

Are You Brave Enough To See Your Business Honestly?

Today,I want you to do something a little uncomfortable:

I want you to score your business (if you’re brave enough) on a scale from 1-10, 1 being a total newbie business owner, and 10 being a multi-million dollar, totally-killing-it-influencer.

So for example, if you’re a 3, you might have a business going with a few clients, but right now you don’t have funnels or systems in place.

A 5 might be a business with one funnel and one product who’s doing fairly well, but isn’t doing a lot of self promotion.

A 7 might be a business that makes great, consistent money, but has you working way too hard because your systems aren’t quite there.

I encourage you to do this because really? There’s no shame in any game. Every single one of us started at zero, and it’s important to know where you’re at with the basics.

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12 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Steal Right Now

12 Lead Magnet Ideas You Can Steal Right Now

Today, I’m going to give you some steal-able ways to develop lead magnets that will attract exactly the kind of clients and customers you want in your world.

I’ve carefully curated this resource as a go-to guide that you can pin to your “favorites” channel, share with a friend, or even print out and keep nearby.

Here are some lead magnet ideas you can steal and use right now!

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3 Secrets To Catching & Keeping The Attention Of Your Ideal Client

3 Secrets To Catching & Keeping The Attention Of Your Ideal Client

Last week, we talked about the importance of a great Lead Magnet.

And next week I’m going to give you my exclusive list of 12 grab-n’-go ideas that you can use, so keep an eye on your inbox!

But first, I want to give you the way to make sure your Lead Magnet doesn’t just get created, but also gets you seen, heard, and most importantly, paid.

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Lead Magnets – What They Are And Why You Need One

Lead Magnets – What They Are And Why You Need One

Let’s be real with each other: Running a business is an incredible act of heart and will — especially when you want to change the world with your work, and get your game-changing message out to the masses.

… But unfortunately, the desire to serve doesn’t mean your business will thrive.

If you want to bring your dream to life, it’s gonna take savvy, strategy, and (most of all) sales too.

Have you ever asked yourself “Why do some people seem to have so much success so early, when it feels like I’m still stuck in place?”

Maybe you want to be known because you want to make a huge impact — but it hasn’t happened yet.

Maybe you’re frustrated and sad that you’re not attracting great people or you don’t know where to start.

Maybe you’re stressing that famous “8 out of 10 businesses fail” figure, and want to make absolutely sure you don’t become a statistic.

Here’s the good news:

Are you having more trouble than you’d like making sales and attracting people into your universe? You don’t need to quit, give up, or come up with some wildly advanced strategy to turn your business around.

But if you’re worrying about one or all of the above and not making much traction? You may just need to re-think your approach to the l-word.

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Top Tech Tools For Your High-Converting Lead Magnet

Top Tech Tools For Your High-Converting Lead Magnet

We’ve been digging into lead magnets recently here on the blog — a.k.a. free offers or gifts that entice prospective customers (better known as leads) to jump on your mailing list, and become a part of your tribe.

I dished a bunch of ideas for you in this post, but at the end of the day? You have to choose the one that works best for your message and is an easy lead-in to a paid offer. It’s that simple.

But that brings us to a much bigger question: How the heck do you set a lead magnet up?

(Especially if you’re like me, and the idea of learning a bunch of new tech all at once makes you kiiiiinda wanna take a nap right there in your office.)

This is an area that a lot of people get stuck on, because it’s pretty high stakes. The mechanism for distributing the message you want to share is as important as the message itself.

Translation? You need to give people a smooth experience when they sign up for your lead magnet so they keep coming back for more.

Think about it. How jarring is it when you see a shiny, well-branded website… and it’s a total nightmare to opt into their list?

Yep. It’s the worst.

So today, I want to list out some basic systems you need to make sure your customer experience goes off without a hitch, so your leads are eager to get their hands on your freebie… instead of wrangling technology.

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Facing The Pivotal Moments In Your Brand

Facing The Pivotal Moments In Your Brand

There are moments that totally shift the way you look at things. All of a sudden, up is down and right is left, and you have to change your course.

These moments, which I call pivots, may make you pause or sit down — sometimes even make you fall down.

But the beauty of this is that what you choose to do next is what makes you great.

So what do you do when face a pivot you weren’t expecting?

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