Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

The 4 Ways to Build Your Brand Story

The 4 Ways to Build Your Brand Story

Stories have always been a part of communicating ideas to other people, whether it was through music or a conversation, stories can make the world go round with all the information it holds.

Your brand story is like that, too. It has the power to turn heads or even reach the other side of the world if you wanted it to.

Here are four steps you can take to create the best brand story for your business.

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How the Power of Storytelling Will Help Your Business

Remember all the stories that you read as a child? All the ones that began with ‘once upon a time’ or something similar along those lines?

Remember how they would make you feel?

Remember how scared you felt or how happy you became when something good happened to your favorite characters?

The bottom line is these stories made you feel or react a certain way because you built a connection with a character or two.

But don’t think that stories are just for children.

Even today, people like you and I still appreciate a well-written story. Whether it’s a novel by Stephen King or the Harry Potter series, stories continue to remain in our lives wherever we go, including in business.

It’s called brand storytelling.

At the end of the day, people are selfish. Now, don’t think this is such a terrible thing. Rather, it’s just a part of who we are.

If you don’t believe me, reflect on a few of these things:

-Have you ever gotten frustrated with someone/yourself because things didn’t go the way you wanted it to?
-Have you decided not to post a photo because you didn’t like the way you looked?

If you’ve ever done any of these things, it’s because you’re human. It’s a part of our existence.

Now, here’s how you can use this in running your business: learn to write a story your customers will love.

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3 Steps to Improve Your Business

3 Steps to Improve Your Business

Do you know what makes an entrepreneur stand out from a sea of others?

No, it’s not who makes the most money or who has the latest technology (although they’re pretty important, too).

It’s about learning and relearning all over again.

It’s a well-known fact that the majority of businesses who fail to learn are the first to fail. Whether it’s product knowledge or the changing shift in where people like to shop, if you don’t learn about what your customers like or dislike, then your business might be heading towards some stormy seas ahead.

So, while it is important to be ahead in what’s going on nowadays, this doesn’t mean you have to have it all figured out.

No one is born knowing exactly what they have to do right away.

I mean, how many times did you change your answer to the ‘what-do-you-want-to-be-when-you-grow-up’ question?

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How to Gain and Keep Customers – the Right Way

How to Gain and Keep Customers – the Right Way

Do you have a system?

Systems don’t always involve a spreadsheet or high tech computer program. Sometimes, a system is an experience you create for your customers.

You can say, for example, excellent customer service is one of those systems.

While many tend to think this is as easy as replying to a customer, it really isn’t. Often, there are many things to consider like the time and the way someone responds, just to name a few.

For example, JetBlue, an airline carrier, responds to their customers in an engaging yet fun way on Twitter by responding to them as fast as they can.

There was even a scenario where they welcomed a customer with a welcome home parade .

And you best believe that people love that kind of thing.

So, you might be thinking, “Jen, why is this so important?”

The answer is simple: It makes them feel special, and tell me, who doesn’t love feeling that way?

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How Giving Value Helps You to Receive in Your Brand

Do you know why many business owners tend to post motivational quotes and pictures? It’s to encourage their believers to not only believe in them, but to believe in themselves, too. Make it your moral obligation to inspire and transform people, and you can bet that you’ll see results.

But to do that, you have to be willing to put yourself out there. You need to reach out and tell your tribe what you do to be successful. For example, one of the things I do is to repeat concepts and you can best believe that I share this with my group of followers. Why? Because I know it’ll work for them like it has worked for me.

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3 Steps to Successful Marketing

3 Steps to Successful Marketing

Do you wonder how successful people remain so successful? How they’re able to do things in a certain way that ensures success?

Well, there’s a formula, and I like to call it the sequence of success. There’s only few steps, and they are all easily doable as long as you’re able to commit.

Let’s start with number one: Relationships

I can’t stress how important it is to build relationships. Being a entrepreneur, I make sure that I go out and know my customers. This way, they know who I am and what I have to offer.

The reason this step is so crucial in any type of business is because no one likes a salesman. Remember the time when strangers would knock on your door, and you’d grunt in annoyance as you turned them away? It’s because you don’t know them.

But this isn’t the case with, let’s say, the Girl Scouts. While maybe you don’t know them personally, you know who they are, brand-wise.

See how relationships make a difference?

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