Weekly-ish Wisdom from Jennifer Kem

The Blog

Be Willing to Repel (and how that will increase your brand profitability)

Be Willing to Repel (and how that will increase your brand profitability).001

Here’s the truth in entrepreneurship: you will get judged (you really will).

Now I know most people don’t want to hear that, but it’s the truth. The more you put yourself out there, the more you’re open to negative comments, the more you’re open to the haters, the more you’re open to people saying funky things to you. I’m gonna tell you right now, that that is a necessary part of the journey, so let that feed you not prevent you from making your mark in the world.

The best brands don’t just attract. The best brands repel. (Write that down.)

And the reason why the best brands don’t just attract, but also repel, is because you don’t want every momma and poppa in your group. Those people may hear and see you, but they’re never gonna buy from you. Not everyone is for you, but you won’t know who’s for you until you’re willing to speak the truth about who you are and who you serve.

So be willing to repel. After all, do you think you’re going to sit back and build a brand by staying quiet?

Generally speaking, the more haters you attract, the more you know you’re doing your job in the world. Now you definitely want to have a nice balance between people who say, “Yes, you are for me,” and who are repelled, but my point is that you don’t need to fear the haters.

If you are afraid of being seen or heard, here’s a simple way to get around that: listen, learn, and grow under the right mentors. This will help you accomplish the clarity and courage you need to build your brand.

My mentors have taught me to be generous, but you know what they’ve also taught me? They’ve taught me what not to be. I want you guys to write that down, to get that clear. When you choose your mentors, when you choose your coaches, when you choose your teachers, choose people that are not just gonna show you all the glitter and the fame and “how to build this epic thing.” Find people who will teach you what not to do, what not to be, who not to hire, and what they learned.

Be generous but hang around with and be mentored by the right people so that you can keep your brand growing, thriving, and still be yourself. That is the very reason I created the Paid to Be You Posse, our 4k+ strong Facebook group of brands that want to get seen, get heard, and get paid (to be you). If you haven’t joined us yet, I hope you will take me up on my advice to listen, learn, and grow. I’m in the Posse daily with exclusive livestream trainings that I know will benefit your brand and it’s bottom line. See you there, friend!

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